Friday, June 13, 2008

Seeking The Black Widows


Three days back to smoking Pall Mall Menthols and I can struck down with a gross phlegm filled cough and an almost excruciating pain everytime I swallow. Feel my forehead Querido, aren't I a little feverish? Tough luck.

I'm typing very slowly and carefully at this precise moment, not wanting to put little dents in my now familiar black nails. Hides the nicotine stains and imperfections.

So we just finished decorating work, 2 hours of achieving cheap thrills on the fumes of Aerosol Spray Paint & Glue. I was making cob webs out of string. Friday the 13th you see. I am Luna's mild amusement. You'd expect me to be in utter glee that since I'll get to don sexy vixenish black attire with a hint of emo rocker grunge. To those who know me, that's how I am everyday. They really should create a day where people celebrate dressing up as furniture, or household appliances. I'd make a great blender.

Overwhelming feelings of want today. Wanting the see my phone filled with messages from my Querido, little amusing Imissyoucantwaitforyoutocomehome smses, or Ivelaidatrailofjellybeansonthefloorforyousoyouknowthewayhome sorta stuff. So bite me, I like cheesy sometimes. Silly grin on my face with goosebumps kinda cheesy. Its about time I have cheesy in my life.

Sen is leaving. I'm quite upset about the fact I missed out on his quiet farewell get together because I was nursing that goddamn viral infection. I'm upset because the warmest drowning-in-depths-of-comfort hugs will cease, and the protective vibe will be too far away for me to bask in. And I never was a phone person. Always felt cheated that cheap plastic was the only was of connecting 2 people.

Sen, you know I effin love you, and I'll be sending Celeste down there to check on you every night. Look up in the skye, you know where to find me.

y nails are dried. Vamp's gone missing from MSN.
Luna is debating whether to be an Incubus or a damn dirty ape.
Vampish dreams of the ape for tonight.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi babe... awww. That was so sweet. Miss you guys too. My nights are now filled with solitude... sigh!